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Keelanelli, also known as Phyllanthus niruri or “stonebreaker,” is a tropical plant widely recognized for its medicinal properties in traditional medicine systems, particularly Ayurveda and Siddha. Here are some of its notable benefits and uses:

Benefits and Uses of Keelanelli (Phyllanthus niruri):

Liver Health:

Hepatoprotective Effects: Keelanelli is renowned for its liver-protective properties. It is often used to treat liver disorders such as hepatitis and jaundice. The herb helps detoxify the liver and improve its overall function.

Antioxidant Activity: It contains compounds that help reduce oxidative stress on the liver.

Kidney Health:

Preventing Kidney Stones: The name “stonebreaker” comes from its traditional use in breaking down and expelling kidney stones. It helps reduce the formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys.

Diuretic Properties: Keelanelli acts as a diuretic, promoting urine production and thereby aiding in the expulsion of small kidney stones.

Antiviral Properties:

Hepatitis B Treatment: Some studies suggest that Keelanelli has antiviral properties, particularly against the Hepatitis B virus. It may help lower the viral load in patients.

Other Viral Infections: It is also used in treating other viral infections due to its broad-spectrum antiviral activity.

How to Use Keelanelli:

Decoction/Tea: The leaves or whole plant can be boiled to make a tea or decoction, which is commonly consumed for its health benefits.

Powder: Dried Keelanelli can be ground into a powder and taken with water or honey.

Capsules/Tablets: Keelanelli extracts are available in capsule or tablet form for convenient consumption.

Topical Application: For skin conditions, a paste made from the leaves can be applied directly to the affected area.


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